Report Fraud & Cybercrime
Scams and cybercrimes can happen to anyone, anywhere, at any time.
Scams and cybercrimes can happen to anyone, anywhere, at any time.
If you have been a victim of a scam, fraud or cybercrime, please contact your local police as soon as possible. It is also recommended that you report the instance of a scam, fraud or cybercrime, whether you are a victim or not. Remember: It's the role of your local police to investigate. Global Anti-fraud Hub assists law enforcement through maintaining a central repository of information to assist with investigations.
Fraud Alert System
Global Anti-fraud Hub and the Global Cybercrime Coordination Centre (GCC) are working on implementing a new cybercrime and fraud reporting system for individuals and businesses. By reporting to Global Anti-fraud Hub, you may be asked to report through the new version helping the GCC build a new reporting systems.
Why you should report fraud and cybercrime
In order for law enforcement to combat fraud and cybercrime, it is essential that those who experience, or fall victim, report it to local police and Global Anti-fraud Hub. Local police are positioned to investigate the incident and Global Anti-fraud Hub supports law enforcement by sharing information collected through the reports.
Reasons to report to Global Anti-fraud Hub:
Global Anti-fraud Hub is a project of
The National Consumers League.
+1 (202) GAFH
1701 K St NW
Suite 1007,
Washington, DC 20006