About Us
Global Anti-fraud Hub is a project of
The National Consumers League.
+1 (202) GAFH
1701 K St NW
Suite 1007,
Washington, DC 20006
Work-at-home scam
In January 2011, Charlotte thought she’d found the perfect work-at-home job. She’d been hired to manage an online store set up by a company going by the name of “USA Supreme Technology.” The company’s pitch was so convincing, they even sent her a laptop to help with the business. When Charlotte was asked to provide her credit card number, she did so. Her credit card was quickly charged $10,000.
Charlotte called Global Anti-fraud Hub, and counselors coached her on how to dispute the charges with her credit card company, which she was able to do successfully. Later, the scammers attempted to debit $7,000 from her bank account, but were blocked from doing so.
I don’t know how to thank you, but if you were here I would give you a hug for saving me from getting ripped off. Thank you so much.
Sweepstakes scam
William filed a complaint with Global Anti-fraud Hub in March 2010 regarding a lottery scam he had fallen victim to. William was contacted by someone by the name of “Odel Flemming” from “U.S. Sweepstakes.” “Odel” claimed William was the winner of a $450,000 sweepstakes. By the time he contacted Global Anti-fraud Hub, William had already wired $1,500 to the scam artist for delivery of the lottery winnings.
Fortunately, NCL staff was able to counsel William, let him know how the scam worked, and convince him not to send more money. Thanks to this advice, William was prevented from wiring the additional $3,000 that the scam artists had requested to cover additional “fees.”
Fake check scam
Stacey contacted Global Anti-fraud Hub in November 2010 after she’d almost lost $2,000 to a fake check scam. Stacey — mother of three children, with a mortgage and daycare expenses to cover — was looking to make additional money for holiday gift-buying and thought the mystery shopping job offer she’d received was legitimate.
After learning from NCL’s Fraud Center about how fraudsters are luring consumers into fake check scams using phony work-at-home opportunities, she tore up her fake check instead of depositing it. Stacey, an office manager who works with finances every day at work, let us know how valuable our consumer education had been to her.
You have made me realize that knowledge is power and you have taught my husband, my staff, and friends and myself a true life lesson, that will be spoken of for a very long time. … Not only did you spare me from being scammed and putting myself at risk for losing this money, you have saved dozens from being scammed as well. I plan on sharing this information with everyone I know.
Rental scam
It all started in May 2012, when Bill listed an apartment that he wanted to sublease in an online classified ad. Bill was approached by a woman going by the name “Whitney Kinney,” who claimed to be in the process of moving from England to the United States. “Whitney” wanted to take over the apartment that Bill had listed. She quickly sent Bill a check for $3,200 to cover the first month’s $1,200 rent – and then some.
Bill was instructed to wire the remaining $2,000 “ASAP” to cover costs associated with shipping Whitney’s car to the United States. Bill became suspicious and researched the scam, finding information at Global Anti-fraud Hub that convinced him he was being set up and helped him avoid an expensive headache.
I thought it was suspicious when she kept asking me to deposit it ‘ASAP.’ Thanks to Global Anti-fraud Hub and a little research, I found out before I lost any money.
Craigslist scam
In January 2012, Kristie was trying to sell a mirror on Craigslist. She received an email from a buyer going by the name of “David James.” The buyer was, in reality, a scam artist. “David” mailed Kristie a legitimate-looking cashier’s check for $2,800 to cover the price of the mirror and the cost to ship the mirror to him.
When David asked Kristie to cash the check and wire $2,500 to a “shipping company,” Kristie became suspicious and contacted Global Anti-fraud Hub. We told her it was a set-up. NCL staff counseled Kristie about the fake check scam and prevented her from sending any money and from being ensnared in an expensive fraud.
Global Anti-fraud Hub is a project of
The National Consumers League.
+1 (202) GAFH
1701 K St NW
Suite 1007,
Washington, DC 20006