Comments on: Looking for gig economy work to help make ends meet? Don’t be a scammer’s next payday! Mon, 09 Nov 2020 07:30:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Nico King Tue, 03 Nov 2020 07:46:25 +0000 Few years back… A friend of my introduced me into an online platform, that I can invest money and 3 weeks – 1 month, I will get my money back with interest on top.
We both believed it was legit.
So I invested over 2 million, through an E-wallet platform call “Online naira”.
At the end of the month…nothing came. I chat them up…nothing as well.
Before I can tell, I saw people posting on the net that floral Investment Ltd is gone.
I was shocked!
Business wasn’t going well at that time…i decided to use the last money I had left to invest in a fake platform.
Now my money is gone..!
Business closed…
I’ve been kicked out of my apartment for not able to pay up rent.
Now I’m on the street.
No home… No hope… Just me…
I thank God I still have one thing left for me…..My Life!
I have learnt my lesson the hard way.
